Periods don’t stop for the Pandemic


When India (and parts of the World) went under a massive lockdown in 2020, we were curious about how this was affecting menstruators. In collaboration with Sayfty we conducted a survey to know more.

The objectives of our study were –
1. To understand the social, logistical and mental health problems faced by menstruators during the lockdown.
2. To know different coping mechanisms menstruators practice to tackle with their period pain and how viable were they during the lockdown.

We took into account the quarantining situations of the menstruators, their reproductive health as well as mental health histories, along with the choice of period care products. With over 360 respondents, we learnt a lot. For instance, we found that while almost 80% responded that they were in their ideal quarantining scenario, over 50% responded that they had noticed a change in their cycle. We found that the forced intimacy of living at home cut off menstruators’ access to mental health care options. We found people who were willing to be vulnerable with us and share their stories.

You can download the full report below. The survey was conducted by Hiccup in collaboration with Sayfty and the report has been illustrated by the Giggling Monkey Studio.


Survey ResultsDownload

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